Monday - Friday 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The piano has the qualities of both a string instrument and a percussion instrument. When the keys are pressed they cause a hammer to strike a string inside the piano. The sounds and notes that the piano makes comes from the vibration of these strings.

Piano Lesson


Designated for students 6 years old to adults, in this piano lesson the student will learn elements from Music Theory, sight reading, ear training, and piano technique. It is a class that allows the student to space among different musical genres in some way satisfying their own preferences and learning classical styles. 


More than playing professionally, it is very important to look at the wealth of positive benefits and life experiences your son will gain by practicing piano. The first class will serve as an exploration to design a program suitable for your child. In this way, we will be able to offer him all the tools to develop self-expression, creativity, problem-solving skills, self-confidence, organizational skills, communication and maturity.  The piano is one of the most effective instruments for “mental exercise”. The practice of this instrument will provide in time  numerous social and behavioral benefits. 

Get in touch.


Guitar Lesson