Monday - Friday 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The human voice can be thought of as the ultimate melodic instrument, because it is capable of instant expression with no instrument required to translate thoughts and feelings into sound. 


In this class your children will learn how to use their voices in the right way as an instrument. In the first class the teacher will listen to the voice and then will cover the basics of good posture and breathing if the student is brand new to singing. They will be explained and ask what kind of music they want to work on. Our program includes vocal warm ups, ear training exercises, and vocal repertoire spacing from classical to their favorite artists.  

Singing lessons are not just for gifted children. There are plenty of benefits to children taking singing lessons regardless of their vocal talent.  Anyone with the ability to talk has the same ability to sing, and there are multiple options to choose from when finding the vocal outlet that’s right for your child. Self-esteem, brain power, better memory, communication skills, creating connections and relationships, and self-discipline are abilities developed in a voice class, not to mention how important it is for them to have fun. 

Get in touch.


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